Motion continually computes statistics amongst which your speed maximum, averages over different periods (1, 2, 10 seconds, 5 minutes, 1 hour), averages over different distances (100, 250, 500, 1000, 1852 meters), minimum during gybes and finally Alpha500/100. Your speed average and time spent while planning are also computed.
These averages, along with your realtime speed, are displayed in an easily readable font. The major number is your current run, lower left is your previous run and lower right is your overall best. These are reminded to you every time you open the page.
The live score changes colour as you approach the top of the ladder board. From orange in fifth position to dark red in first. If a new record is achieved, the display will freeze for a few seconds to give you the time to read the exact new value.
Runs are automatically reset.
Press the lower-left/right buttons to change the period or distance.
Press the lower-center button to show the 10 best runs, the time at which they happened and finally the average of the best five.
You can change the displayed speed unit in the
Settings » Speed unit page :
- kilometers per hour - km/h,
- meters per second - m/s,
- nautical miles per hour - kn,
- land miles per hour - mph.